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Wound Pathogen Panel

Wound Infection Pathogens

While most wounds are simple to treat, sometimes the infections require additional treatment from a provider when pathogenic organisms invade viable tissue surrounding the wound causing a more severe reaction. When this happens the body’s natural immune defenses are overwhelmed. If left untreated, the infection can have severe health consequences for the patient. To help providers determine the best course of treatment, our standard plate panels test a combined 41 bacterial and viral targets that are known to be the common cause of most wound infections. The panels include endogenous, negative, and pre-spotted positive control targets for each patient test. In addition the panels are also available with 11 antibiotic resistance targets to help providers determine the best treatment regiments for the detected infection. All of our plates are ready for use, and come pre-mixed with DNA-Free-Water and Master Mix in every well for each test.

Download the attached document for detailed lists of available panel information.

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